Adding Grid Columns

Quickly Locate Columns and Add to Grid

To create your own grids, first find the information you want in the Grid Settings Available Columns window. Then, add it as a column on a new or existing grid. This works for all types of grids.

Searching Grid Columns

Finding the right column can be hard when there are many to choose from.

Available Columns are organized into groups. Bold headings show each group and you can expand or collapse them by clicking the +/- to the left. If you know which group the column you need is in, scroll through the list and expand it. Then, double-click the column name or click the >> button, you will see your column appear in the Selected Columns window..

If you don't know which group the column is in, you can use your computer's Find feature. Press Control+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac to access it. This will open a search box. Type your search term and hit enter, causing the search term to highlight anywhere it is present on your screen.

  • Find will only search through expanded groups. To search another group, expand it and hit enter again.

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To search all columns, expand each group by clicking the + starting from the bottom of the Available Columns list with all groups collapsed and moving up the list. Enter a search term in the Find search box (Press Control+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac to access it), and hit enter. The search term will highlight in any matching columns in the Available Columns list.

You can then quickly scroll through the Available Columns list and locate any columns that contain your search term.

Selected Columns Options

Once added, there are three ways columns in the Selected Columns window may be optimized for your grid.

  • Column Searches: Single search terms may be saved in order to further customize your grid. More complex filters may be created by building a filter.
  • Sort: This is the default sort the grid will open with. Columns can be easily resorted in the grid itself as needed.
  • Width: Column width.