Run a report

Learn to create and export a report.

Report Tutorial

(3 min)



Intro to the Reports Feature

The Reports feature allows you to save, email, and export data from the system. eCoordinator comes preloaded with 28 canned reports and gives you the option to create custom reports.

There are two types of reports: a system report which is preformatted with common data sets such as a volunteer’s schedule. These reports aren’t customizable and can only be exported to PDF.  

A data grid report is a custom report based on a grid. Regardless of the type, Reports can be exported from all five grids in eCoordinator: the Volunteers, Opportunities, and Organizations tabs, the Calendar, and the Log Book.

How to run a data grid report

To get started, make sure you’re on the volunteers. You can select a saved grid from the saved grids list or build a grid for the data you want to export. You can select only one or a few volunteers from the list, or you can run a report for the entire grid.

In this example, I’m going to run a report of all volunteers who live in Kansas. The report will look identical to your grid, so I recommend adjusting column widths, arranging columns, and applying the correct sorting before running the report.  Once you’ve finalized your grid Click Reports

Choose volunteer data grid

The report settings window will open. This is where you can set some parameters for your report. The report title is going to be the downloaded file name. You have the chance to exclude columns that you may not want to show up on the report. Finally choose from one of four formatting options. 

Click OK and the file will save to your local drive.

If you want to run a report from a grid other than the volunteers grid, first go to that grid and follow the same steps. 

Note that from the Calendar you may have to switch from the Month view to the grid view and then select the Report button at the very bottom of the calendar. 

For Volunteers, Opps, and Orgs reports you can also click Report All → Volunteer and choose from the same menu. The steps are exactly the same, it’s just an alternative way of accessing the reports feature.

How to run a system report

To run a system report follow the same steps only this time when you click the reports button, choose from one of the reports that doesn't say "data grid."

The parameters for system reports are different depending on which one you choose. Update your parameters and click OK. Remember that system reports can only be exported to PDF. If you want a customized report, follow the steps to run a data grid report instead.