View Sign-In Station hours

To view hours reported by volunteers using a Sign-In Station, you need to build a grid in the Log Book

To manage Sign-in Stations, build a Sign-In Station Log Book Grid. You can customize the data grid to include "Sign-In" specific columns.

  • From the Volunteer tab, select the appropriate grid (optional) and click Log Book → Select All Volunteers in Grid
  • Set an appropriate date range (Specific or Relative) and apply the following settings:
    • Ordinary log book entries
    • Applies to: Start Date
    • Details Mode
  • When done, click Apply
  • Click Grid Settings
  • Select the following columns from the Available Columns list +Logbook and add them to the Selected Columns list:
    • Volunteer Name
    • Sign-In Station
    • Sign-Out Station
    • Sign-In Time
    • Sign-Out Time
    • Hours (found under Lbe: Logged Data)
    • Opportunity Title
    • Signed In (found under Volunteer)

Station Selected Columns

This is where you can see when your volunteers signed in/out, where they signed in/out and what opportunity/schedule slot they signed in to. If you see a volunteer that has been signed-in for a while and forgot to sign-out, you can manually sign-out the volunteer(s).

Station Log Book Grid